Saturday, March 7, 2009

Road Trippin' with your Dog 101!

Traveling with your pet can be a fantastic experience.  It's always stressful to leave your best friend at home while you are on vacation but it becomes easier everyday to hit the road with fido.  More and more motels and hotels allow pets and there are countless resources out there to assist you in planning your pet friendly trip.  The key to a stress free trip with your pet is planning.  
I road tripped with my dog, Bella Bean Dog, for over six months.  Between the road trip and working as a professional Dog Walker I do have a few tips to share about traveling with pets.  Below are tips for making your next vacations with the pets a pleasant one.  

1.  Pet tags.  Make sure you pet has their tags on at all times.  Have tags with two numbers on them.  For example...your cell phone and a friend or family member's phone number.  It is also helpful to keep a spare set of tags with you...tags do fall off.

2.  Chip your pet.   One in three pets become lost in their lifetime.  Think about all the rest stops, hotels, and camping you do on a road trip.  The possibility that your pet will go missing greatly increases on the road.  $20.00 will in all likelihood get your best friend back to you .  (check out Home Again)

3.  Prepare your pet for the ride.  If you don't have a roadie dog it's time to test drive your pup.  In the weeks before a road trip start taking your dog on short drives.

4.  Creature comforts in the car will make for a happy pet.  There are lots of ways to make your pet comfortable in the car.   Everything from a dog hammock (Bean Dog's personal favorite), a 
carrier, toys, whatever you pet loves at home.

5.  Exercise you pet often.  You have to stop to stretch your legs and 'nip to the loo' does your dog.  Stop and take your pooch for a walk as often as possible.  It's great for both of you.

6.  Vaccinations.  Make sure your pet is up on all their vaccinations.  Do your homework and make sure our pet is physically ready of their destination.  For example, heatworm may be prevalent at your final destination.  It takes a month for heatworm medications to protect your pet.  Be prepared.

7.  Papers.   Make sure you have copies of all your pet's paper work.  You never know when you will have to take your pet to the vet or a kennel on your trip.  Make sure all updated paper work goes on the trip with you.

8.  Photograph your pet and keep it with you.  Getting fliers up quickly is the key to retrieving a lost pet.  Having a photo only adds to your chances of a quick reunion.

Here are a few more helpful pet travel tips that I learned from first hand experience!
1.  Home Sweet Motel.  The 
first thing into your hotel\campsite should be your dog's bed as they associate it with their space which makes them more comfortable instantly.

2.  Shoot Out at the OK Corral.  Many historical towns have shoot outs and military re-enactments for your entertainment.  More than 50% of dogs are horrified by fireworks and gunfire.  Check at the visitors center for times of possible re-enactments and avoid a casual stroll turning into a mad dash back to the car with a trembling, terrified dog.  (happened to me tow days in a row before I figured this tip out)

3.  Motel 6 is a guaranteed pet friendly budget motel.  All Motel 6 locations are pet friendly and do not charge a pet fee.  In fact Jack Hannah is their Spokesperson.  Most Motel 6 locations have dog and cat treats at the front desk as well.  Bean Dog and I looovvvvee Motel 6!

4.  Ask.  More shops (especially mom and pops) than you think will allow you and your well behaved pup doesn't hurt to ask.

5.  National Park vs State Parks.  Pets are restricted to roads and campgrounds in National Parks (strictly enforced).  State Parks on the other hand, are much more pet friendly.  State Parks, typically, allow dogs anywhere except buildings.  If you plan to take your pup hiking and exploring plan to stay at a State Park and do some day visits to the National Parks.  (there are a few exceptions to the National Park rule)

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